Shinkarenko S.S. The Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Steppe Fires in Lake Elton’s Area Based on RSD

Shinkarenko Stanislav Sergeevich
Junior Researcher, Department of Landscape Planning and Aerospace Research Methods, All-Russian Scientific and Researh Institute of Agroforestry
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Abstract. The study analyzed the satellite imagery for the period of 1985-2014 in order to identify the causes of wildfires in Lake Elton’s surroundings. It was found that in the early 21st century fires have the greatest impact on the landscape, which is caused by the decrease in the number of livestock grazing and reduced steppe loads in the late 1990s. The map of the fire frequency in the researched area, and t he map of areas recovering from fires in different years were developed on the basis of remote sensing data (RSD). The investigation of Landsat space imagery found that 54 % of the territory since 2004 has been subject to a prairie fire at least once. The maximum frequency of occurrence is marked for the southern area of Buluhta-Lake where eight fires were registered for the last decad. Most fires are caused by human factors: deliberate or spontaneous arson, military trials. The factors limiting the fires are: degraded pastures, roads, landforms and the elements of the hydrological network. The resulting materials allow to effectively organize further ground survey of these areas for a complete description and assessment of revegetation and their relation to the duration of pyrogenic successions.
Key words: Lake Elton’s area, steppe fires, GIS, mapping, RSD, agrolandscapes,
anthropogenic factors, transformation of ecosystems.

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