Kosheleva O.Yu. The Role of Woodiness Mapping in the System of Adaptive and Landscape Arrangement of Catchments

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2015.1.10
Kosheleva Olga Yuryevna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Landscape Planning and Aerospace Research Methods, All-Russian Scientific and Researh Institute of Agroforestry
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Abstract. The article shows the results of agroforestry mapping of a Dobrinka basin catchment, which is located in the Volgograd region. The mapping is made on the basis of a high-resolution space images interpretation. Dobrinka river is the left inflow of the Medveditsa river, it belongs to the basin of Don. The length of the river makes about 36 km, the area of a catchment basin – 455,3 km2. The author applies the method of isoline mapping of woodiness, which allows receiving the average background surface transferring the largest regularities of spatial placement of forest plantings within a catchment. The author evaluates the features of spatial localization of natural and artificial plantings in the borders of Dobrinka catchment according to the isolinear maps of woodiness. The author establishes that there are two areas with the maximum values of natural woodiness within Dobrinka catchment, which are located in the floodplain forest of estuarial part of the basin and in ravine forest of upper part of Dobrinka river. The artificial woodiness within the whole catchment is very low and does not exceed 5 %. The existence in the central part of the catchment of an area with low indicators of natural and artificial woodiness contributes to the necessary development of the agroforestry arrangement project for this part of a basin catchment. The presented technique allows conducting the preliminary estimate of agroforestry arrangement of the catchments territory without financial expenses on reconnaissance.
Key words: catchment, agrolandscape, satellite images, geoinformation mapping, protective forest plantings, woodiness, adaptive and landscape arrangement of the territory.

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