Belitskaya M.N. Fluctuations in the Composition and Abundance of Entomofauna in the Forest-Protected Agrocenoses

Belitskaya Mariya Nikolaevna
D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, Chief Researcher, Department of Woody Plants Biology, All-Russian Scientific and Researh Institute of Agroforestry

Abstract. The author investigates the influence of field-protective forest plantations on the diversity and quantity of pests and entomophages in interbelt cereal agrocenoses of the steppe and dry steppe natural zones. It is revealed that the protective forest plantations play important role in the biota and the food chains management within agrocenoses. It is identified that the forest belts have smoothing influence on the change in the abundance of insects belonging to the different trophic groups on the developped fields. The peaks in the number of harmful and useful insects coincide in these fields, whereas in treeless agrocenoses the rise in useful components density takes place only after a year of the mass reproduction of pests. The growth and development of cereal crops is accompanied by the increase in the number of insects in the stalks of the crops. At the same time, the abundance of different insect groups varies. This applies both to the inhabitants of the stalks and to the complex insects on the surface of the ground.
Key words: forest belt, forest-protected agrocenosis, faunal community, pests, entomophages, herpetobions, abundance dynamics, trophic groups.

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