Davidenko O.N., Nevskiy S.A. New Data on the Syntaxonomic Diversity of Ponds Vegetation in the Saratov Region

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2015.1.3
Davidenko Olga Nikolaevna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Botany and Ecology, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
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Nevskiy Sergey Aleksandrovich
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Botany and Ecology, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
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Abstract. The article provides new information about the syntaxonomic diversity of the aquatic vegetation of ponds in the Saratov region. Our studies were carried out in 2012-2014 in 15 districts of the Saratov region. The study of ponds vegetation was carried out through the detailed analysis with thorough description of aquatic vegetation, in accordance with common practice in the gidrobotanical methods. During the period of the study more than 3 000 gidrobotanical descriptions were made. The classification of plant communities was based on dominant and determinant approach to the selection of aquatic vegetation. The classification of the new association for the area was based on the comparison of our data with the data obtained by E.S. Shishkina. The community of 23 new associations is described. The prodromus of aquatic vegetation taking into account the new information is presented. The new association of formations Ceratophyllum submersum, Ceratophyllum tanaiticum, Batrachium trichophyllum, Potamogeton crispus and Najas major are described. The new information about one formation – Caulinia minor – is presented. The syntaxonomic diversity of aquatic vegetation of ponds of the Saratov region is premature. It is necessary to continue research on the vegetation of these interesting objects, especially in the distant Saratov districts, where there are many brackish ponds, vegetation of which is significantly different from fresh pond vegetation and fresh water. Key words: aquatic vegetation, ponds, Saratov region, syntaxonomy, diversity, associations, formations, hydrophytes.
Key words: aquatic vegetation, ponds, Saratov region, syntaxonomy, diversity, associations, formations, hydrophytes.

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