Zalepukhin V.V. The Significance of Protein Components in Heterogeneous Eggs for Embrionic Development and Larvas Persistence of Cyprinidae

Zalepukhin Valeriy Vladimirovich
Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor,
Department of Geography and Cartography,
Volgograd State University
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Abstract. Endogenous heterogeneity of females and their eggs is one of the most important factors of annual generation’s formation in nature-spawn and incubative centers. Its assessment is significant for comprehending the notion of biochemical changes in proximate prespawn period. Between the shares of egg’s biochemical composition of Cyprinidae species only protein and b-lipoproteids levels are incovering constant and authentic correlations with embrionic development and larval survival in the conditions of artificial reproduction. The promotion of protein’s level to 20 – 24 % (in wet weigth) in percolating eggs positively affects the fertilization and larvae vitality. This trend is fair for the domesticated and nature-spawn fish. The same significance is important for the b-lipoproteids level in ovular eggs of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.). The optimal concentration is 100-200 mg % in wet weight.
Key words: Cyprinidae, artificial reproduction, egg’s quality, protein, b-lipoproteids, embryonic development, larvae survival.

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The Significance of Protein Components in Heterogeneous Eggs for Embrionic Development and Larvas Persistence of Cyprinidae by Zalepukhin V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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