Galimov M.A. Features of the Socio-Economic Development of the Western Аreas of the West Kazakhstan Oblast

Galimov Miras Amangeldievich
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov
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Abstract. In this paper we study changes in the distribution of population of West Kazakhstan oblast. This is reflected in the change of territorial concentration of population in the region. The distribution of population areas was detected by the factor of territorial concentration of population. Despite the high natural increase in the western areas of the region, the population migrates to the northern areas of the West Kazakhstan oblast and Uralsk. The Western areas of the West Kazakhstan oblast include Bokeyordinsky, Zhangalinsky, Zhanibeksky and Kaztalovsky districts. The statistical method was used when analyzing the volume of industrial production, retail trade, investment in fixed assets, the sown area of crops and commissioning the total housing area. The study showed that the western areas are lagging behind the northern areas of the region in terms of socio-economic development. From the western areas, only Zhangalinsky district in 2012 did not change the coefficient of the territorial concentration of the population in comparison with 2007. In Zhangalinsky district large breeding farms were kept, thus creating a number of jobs. The district has a gas pipeline Central Asia - Center, as well as gas compressor station that creates high-paying jobs.
Key words: socio-economic development, distribution of population, coefficient of territorial concentration of population, administrative and territorial unit.

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Features of the Socio-Economic Development of the Western Аreas of the West Kazakhstan Oblast by Galimov M.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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