Prozhorina T.I., Bespalova E.V., Kurolap S.A., Vinogradov P.M. Aerotechnogenic Monitoring of Urban Environment on Snow Cover Pollution (on the Example of Voronezh City)

Prozhorina Tatyana Ivanovna
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Geoecology and Environmental Monitoring, Voronezh State University
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Bespalova Elena Vladimirovna
Master Student, Department of Geoecology and Environmental Monitoring, Voronezh State University
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Kurolap Semen Aleksandrovich
Doctor of Geographic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Monitoring, Voronezh State University
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Vinogradov Pavel Mikhaylovich
Postgraduate Student, Department of Geoecology and Environmental Monitoring, Voronezh State University
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Abstract. Snow cover is characterized by high sorption ability and represents an
informative object in the process of identifying the technogenic pollution of urban environment. The article contains the results of the research on the chemical composition of the snow which fell in Voronezh in the winter period of 2013–2014. The coefficients of chemical elements concentration were calculated to provide objective characteristics of snow cover pollution. The authors analyze the connection between the presence of pollutants in snow and the level of technogenic impact. The obtained ranges of anomaly coefficients among anions reflect the composition of technogenic emissions. The mineralization of snow water reliably characterizes the intensity of anthropogenic impact on the urban environment, and the value of mineralization snow samples ranges from 62,6 (background) to 183,9 mg/l. Maximum values of mineralization (more than 150 mg/l) are typical for samples taken in transport area. High values of salinity (more than 120 mg/l) are observed in snow samples taken in the industrial area, which confirms the high “technogenic pressure” on the urban environment in zones of industrial and transport potential of the city. The investigated functional areas can be arranged in the following series by descending level of contamination: transport area > industrial zone > residential and recreational areas > background territory. The study of the chemical composition of snow cover in the various functional areas of Voronezh allows to conclude that the pH level, mineralization and the content of suspended solids in snow waters characterize the intensity of anthropogenic pressure on the urban environment, and the composition of melt waters indicates the nature of its pollution.
Key words: functional areas, chemical composition of snow, concentration coefficients, pollutants, background sample.

Creative Commons License
Aerotechnogenic Monitoring of Urban Environment on Snow Cover Pollution (on the Example of Voronezh City) by Prozhorina T.I., Bespalova E.V., Kurolap S.A., Vinogradov P.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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