Volkov A.V. Related Changes of Autonomic Ganglia and Respiratory Compartments of Lungs in Case of Chronic Alcohol Intoxication in Experiments with Rats

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu11.2014.3.2
Volkov Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Candidate of Medical Sciences,
Head of Neurology Department, Hospital of Medical Unit
at the Volgograd Department of Internal Affairs
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Abstract. The article deals with description of morphological alterations in lungs and their autonomic ganglia due to chronic alcohol intoxication caused by compulsory ethanol ingesting in Wistar rats. Progressive decrease of air content, superficial density of bronchial and alveolar epithelia, and the increase of quantitative density of bronchial and alveolar macrophages became quantitative morphological evidence of chronic lung injury. At the same time, in autonomic ganglia of lungs the volume fraction and quantitative density of neurons decreased dramatically and the characteristics of neurons in radial morphometry were altered. The quantitative density of glial cells and glia/neuron ratio were increased. The total loss of neurons in ganglia reached 7 % to the 60th day of experiment, the signs of compensatory reactions were revealed simultaneously. These peculiarities can particularly explain the mechanisms of chronic lung pathology in late stages of alcohol disease.
Key words: ethanol, chronic alcohol consumption, lungs, autonomic ganglia, morphology, rat.

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Related Changes of Autonomic Ganglia and Respiratory Compartments of Lungs in Case of Chronic Alcohol Intoxication in Experiments with Rats by Volkov A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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