Severin A.E., Panchenko L.S. The Pecularities of Feeding Foreign Students in the Conditions of Adaptation to the Sharp Continental Climate of Russia

Severin Aleksandr Evgenyevich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Department of Normal Physiology,
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
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Panchenko Lidiya Sergeevna
Degree Seeking Candidate (Biology),
Department of Normal Physiology,
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
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Abstract. The authors discuss the physiological aspects of Indian students adaptation to the conditions of sharp continental climate of Russia, the questions of maintaining the heat homeostasis in the process of the functional rebuild of a human organism during the adaptation to the unaccustomed environment. The article reviews the dependence of adaptation on the climate of the Indian State the students come from, of the peculiarities of feeding of Indian students. The problem of Indian students’ health maintaining is observed and it is determined by optimization of adaptation terms. For this purpose antropometric and thermometric investigations of 173 Indian students in comparison with 60 Russian students were made. The investigation of the students was realized in autumn and spring periods. According to the results of the research, the transition to the animal albumin and fat type of the feeding of the Indian students is necessary.
Key words: physiological adaptation, heat homeostasis, morph-functional status, comparative characteristic of heat condition indexes of Indian and Russian students, factor of feeding Indian students, risk factors of unsatisfactory adaptation, elaboration of medical and biological recommendations on optimizing the terms of adaptation.

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The Pecularities of Feeding Foreign Students in the Conditions of Adaptation to the Sharp Continental Climate of Russia by Severin A.E., Panchenko L.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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