Bodrova V.N. The Methodology for Integrated Research of Ecological and Socio-Economic Processes in the Volgograd Region in Geoinformation System

Bodrova Vera Nikolaevna
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Cartography,
Volgograd State University
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Abstract. The article discusses the relevance of studies on working out the indicators for sustainable territorial development. It also considers the possibility to apply the modern geoinformational technology for carrying out the ecological and socio-economic research. The author suggests the methodology of integrated research of ecological, social and economic processes that take place in the Volgograd region, implemented using GIS technologies. As a result, the author revealed the regularities in the manifestation of the intensity factors of anthropogenic transformation of the territory of Volgograd region municipalities on the basis of data on the socio-economic and ecological conditions of the territory. The proposed algorithm for the comprehensive regional analysis will help to solve current scientific and practical problems. This will contribute to annual increasing of statistical data, the development of information technology for processing spatial data, growing needs of informing the public and professionals on the status of nature management and results of socio-economic development in the region.
Key words: sustainable development, indicators, integral index, geoinformation
technologies, anthropogenic transformation, social and economic development.

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The Methodology for Integrated Research of Ecological and Socio-Economic Processes in the Volgograd Region in Geoinformation System by Bodrova V.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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