Gribust I.R. The Analysis of Insects Population on Fields in Forest Belts

Gribust Irina Romuvaldovna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Senior Researcher, Department of Biology of Arboreal Plants,
All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Forest Amelioration of RAAS
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Abstract. The introduction into the agricultural and ecological system of multifunctional forest belts contributes to the formation of a qualitatively new environment, and, as a consequence, to the transformation of insects populations. Change of the faunal diversity in transformed agro-ecosystems and identification of entomofauna characteristics by a number of biotic indices, which undergo cumulative impact of organized farm ecosystem components, have not been sufficiently studied. This question is the basis for development of measures aimed at the restoration, maintenance of biodiversity and the activation of regulatory mechanisms of agricultural ecosystems. The article describes the ecological peculiarities and characteristics of insects population in the protected farm ecosystems in the Volgograd region. The article presents data on the change in abundance of the main trophic groups of fauna (entomophages and phytophages) on crops in open steppe and forest-protected fields. The author analyzes the biotopic location of pests and entomophages across the width of the fields protected by forest plantations.
Key words: field-protective forests, entomofauna population, phytophages, entomophages, the spatial organization of an insect population.

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The Analysis of Insects Population on Fields in Forest Belts by Gribust I.R. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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