Plyakin A.V., Bodrova V.N. Spatial data infrastructure for regional geo-ecological assessment
Plyakin A.V.
D. Sc. in Economics, Ph. D. in Geography, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Environmental Management, Volzhsky Institute of Humanities (Branch) Volgograd State University
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Bodrova V. N.
Post-graduate Student, Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Volgograd State University
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Summary: The article deals with the problems of complex using of spatial data to solve problems regional environmental assessment. The sources of spatial data, including the results of remote sensing and web mapping services given special attention. It is concluded that the current stage of development of geoinformatics is a new step of development of information and telecommunication technologies, GIS and web mapping services.
Key words: geo-ecological assessment, region, spatial data, spatial analysis, GIS, remote sensing, web mapping services.

Spatial data infrastructure for regional geo-ecological assessment by Plyakin A.V., Bodrova V.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.