Ivantsova E.A. Impacts of pesticides on soil microflora and useful biota

Ivantsova E.A.

D. Sc. in Agriculture, Associate Professor, Head of Depart ment of Ecology a nd Nature Management , Volgograd State University

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Summary: The article provides estimate of microbiological activity light-chestnut soils semidesert area of South-East influenced by pesticides. Established inhibitory effect of pesticides on soil microflora. Revealed toxic effects chemicals on the entomophagous and pollinators.
Key words: pesticides, soil microflora, useful biota, entomofauna, Chinese mustard.

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Impacts of pesticides on soil microflora and useful biota by Ivantsova E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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