Novochadov V.V. The control of the cell settlement and scaffold remodeling in cartilage tissue engineering: a review

Novochadov V.V.

MDSc in Medicine, Professor, Head of the Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Department, Volgograd State University

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Summary: The basic sources of cells, the materials for cartilage tissue engineering, and the main technologies of scaf-fold fabrication were arranged in this review of current literature. Technologies, based on the production and application of nanoporous and nanofibrous composite materials noted to be most promising for tissue engineer-ing. Three main control impacts of the settlement mechanisms and scaffold remodeling were detailed: the fabrication of scaffold with embedded control functions (1), the application of growth factors and other bioactive molecules (2), as well as the use of mechanical and physical actions (3).
Key words: articular cartilage, tissue engineering, scaffolds, growth factors, nanomaterials.

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The control of the cell settlement and scaffold remodeling in cartilage tissue engineering: a review by Novochadov V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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