Anodina T.G., Magerramov I.Sh. Information Method for Determination of Unevenness of Ground-Level Ozone Concentration in Airport Zone


Tatyana Grigoryevna Anodina
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairman,Intergovernmental Aviation Committee
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Bolshaya Ordynka St., 22/2/1, 119017 Moscow, Russian Federation
Ibragim Shaig ogly Magerramov
Postgraduate Student,National Aerospace Agency
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S.S. Akhundova St., 1, AZ1106 Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Abstract. The article is devoted to research of unequal distribution of concentration of ground ozone in airport zone. The purpose of the article is development of method for determination of level of spatial variation of ground ozone between the central zone characterized by high concentration of ozone and the take-off zone characterized by minimum concentration of ozone. The presence of strong negative correlation between the concentration of ground ozone and its major precursor NO is pointed out. The ground ozone is the secondary polluter, photochemical oxidant and the main component of smog. Ozone can damage the respiratory channels of human, lungs. The high concentration of ozone negatively effects vegetation due to its phytotoxicity. Speed of ground ozone generation increases upon low concentrations of NOx up to its maximum value, and then the increase of NOx leads to removal of OH radicals due to reaction with NO2 and promotes the decrease of speed of photochemical formation of ozone.The authors point out the strong negative correlation between the concentration of groundlevel ozone and NO. It is shown that these two gas components of atmosphere make it possible to develop the new method for measuring of augmentation of concentration of groundlevel ozone in different points of airport in comparison with intensively used take-off and landing zone. It is determined that the averaged amount of such augmentations can be estimated by calculation of total amount of information, produced upon measurements of concentration of NO in compared points of airport territory out of take-off zone.
Key words: ground-level ozone, airport, amount of information, measurement, precursor.
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