Ruleva O.V., Rulev A.S. Landscape Planning of Forest Amelioration on Irrigated Soils


Ruleva Olga Vasilyevna
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor,
Head of Department of Soil Erosion and Deflation Control,
Mechanization of Agricultural Works,
All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Agroforest Reclamation
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Rulev Aleksandr Sergeevich
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Deputy Director for Science,
All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Agroforest Reclamation,
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Laureate of Russian Government Prize for Science and Technics
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Abstract. The authors study the landscape program which supposes the formation of land use system aimed at connection of protective shelterbelts to geo-morphological watershed elements, relief, unsimilarity of agricultural territories, adapted to the dynamically balanced state of substance and energy within a landscape. Such approach favors the development of agricultural lands estimation system by means of forest amelioration. It happens due to transformation (reorganization) of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of energy mass transfer. Consequently, the radiation, heat, soil, hydrophysical and hydrodynamical processes change as well. So, the area adjoining the protective forest belt is the area of determined processes, while further from the forest belt the space is open for changes of all the characteristics. While estimating lands geoecology, the agroforest landscape was considered as a modification of agricultural landscape forming and functioning under the influence of protective shelterbelts. The landscape unsimilarity of the territory should be taken into account during the optimum organization of irrigated farming. It was made by means of desiphering space photos. According to bioclimatical zonal indications, the dry steppe and desert steppe agrolandscape types have been determined. The irrigated soils of the Volgograd region are located mainly in dry steppe agroforest landscapes on dark-chestnut and chestnut soils within natural ameliorative areas of Privolzhskaya and Ergeninskaya Hills and partly in Zavolzhskaya river delta plain; in semi-desert agroforest landscapes on light-chestnut soils within Zavolzhskaya river delta plain and Sarpinskaya lowlands. The favourable hydrogeological ameliorative situation on the territory of southern Privolzhskaya Hill gives the opportunity to revive the irrigation in the Volgograd region and therefore to increase the productivity and sustainability of agricultural production on a higher scientific level with the use of geoecological approach.
Key words: landscape plan, landscape planning, landscape program, geo-management, coordination, forest amelioration, agroforest landscape, irrigated lands, spatial influence of forest belts.
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Landscape Planning of Forest Amelioration on Irrigated Soils by Ruleva O.V., Rulev A.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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